Move the navigation from the globe to the LOB name
The globe is not intuitive. The thought process is, "I am in Home Health, I want to go to Hospice," so I click on "Home Health" which is visible at the top. In addition, quite often the globe is invisible off the bottom of the screen.
Charles Fox
about 3 years ago
in User Experience
Already exists
Although we get alerts when the new dataset arrives, we need to be able to find the date of the latest data easily from within the product. Make it easy to find.
Charles Fox
about 3 years ago
in User Experience
Already exists
I believe that the Hospice Level of Affiliation corresponds to the Highest Affiliation Hospice, correct? If so, it's a bit odd that it's not directly next to the Hospice Name. I'd suggest that column immediately follows the Hospice Name to be a bi...
Grant Brown
over 3 years ago
in User Experience
Already exists
The tool defaults to 20 rows - e.g., Hospice_Explore_Physician report. When I change it to 200, and then change a filter, it reverts back to "20." As a user, I'm thus constantly going back and changing the 20 to 200. It's quite frustrating.
Grant Brown
over 3 years ago
in User Experience
Already exists