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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

User Experience

Showing 16

Add bulk editing capabilities in admin for Insights users.

Please add the ability for multiple user profiles to be updated in bulk by an admin. It would be ideal if users listed manager, state and product access, role, and enabled status could all be updated by an admin in bulk. This would alleviate the n...
Ashley Scrimo 8 months ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Marketscape Admin > Bulk Action Items on Users Tab

This feature serves the purpose of sending welcome emails and facilitating password resets for multiple users concurrently. It essentially replicates the functionality of the "Resend Welcome Email" and "Reset Password" options found within individ...
Nica Yabut about 1 year ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Presentation Values Shown on Printed Documents and/or Slide Decks

When you hover over the graphs in presentations you can see the numeric values. My customer would like these values to be shown when using the Leave Behind template or creating a PPT.
Guest about 1 year ago in User Experience 1 On Roadmap

put leave behind template from the Help Center INTO Marketscape Insights (Presentation)

customers love the leave behind template, but the template itself is hard to find. customers have requested that it (or a variation of) be in the solution so they don't have to download a powerpoint, then download charts/graphs to an external docu...
Mary Nichols about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Add a Diagnostic Group Filter to Explore for Facilities.

Just like the filter on Explore for Physicians it would be helpful to add a diagnostic group filter to the Explore page for Facilities so Facilities can be targeted based on specific diagnostic groups of interest.
Ashley Scrimo over 1 year ago in User Experience 1 On Roadmap

Client branded presentation

Create Client-branded presentations from talking points within the solution. Depending upon work impact, via one of these options: Anything/any bit of data from the site Reflect the leave behind template:
Jessica Owens about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Refreshed welcome email from mar ins

Refresh copy and header image with new resources linked to help improve users onboarding experience. Work with Ellen and Katherine.
Ellen Knowles 6 months ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Add Agency/Facility titles on graphs added into Presentations from the clipboard.

Right now when you add graphs from an agency page to your clipboard and then into a presentation, it does not label above the graph where a particular table came from/which agency the data in the table or chart respresents.
Ashley Scrimo about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Show Physician Data by Patient Location Rather than by NPI

Many physicians do not update their NPI and are registered in states that are not available to a customer, but the physician is providing care in the market in which they serve. The customer is unable to see this information.
Laura Green about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

As a sales rep- provide an easier way to create leave behinds

Productize the presentations and minimize steps and complexity
Jessica Owens about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap