Currently you have to look physician by Physician if you want a referral share % going to certain locations. It would be nice if you could automatically get a referral share % across multiple physicians/lists.
Provide breakdown of inpatient and outpatient payer mix for hospitals
In Insights and strategies need to see more information on payer mix. Included is payer mix by inpatient and outpatient for hospitals/for place of service by provider/and for AL/LTC
Laura Green
5 months ago
in Data Metric
On Roadmap
Refresh copy and header image with new resources linked to help improve users onboarding experience. Work with Ellen and Katherine.
Add Trella Diagnostic Group Filter to Facilities Tab on Home Health Explore Page in Insights
The ability to target facilities by population size of certain patient profiles by diagnosis can be a helpful marketing strategy and enable HH agencies to identify facilities to target- especially if paired with risk score - ie high risk neoplasm ...
we should be able to filter Doctors that have high MA patients by plan. The filter should have a range scroll bar & function like the chronic conditions filter where it sorts by doctors who have the most MA patients from the selected plan