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Activity log/report for Physician/Facility Notes

Hospice, Home Health
Guest over 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

We would like to be able to see number of patients discharging from the hospital with Medicare Advantage Plans. We understand that Trella is based on Medicare claims, but we are seeing more Medicare Advantage Plans as the payor.

Marketscape-home health and hospice
Guest over 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Aggregate information using multiple NPI's but they operate under one larger entity.

I would like to be able to aggregate information, for example, all Family Health Services that serve the Magic Valley. This information would be important when presenting to a large group of providers during conferences.
Toma Bartlett over 3 years ago in Data Metric 3 Future consideration

Add IRF as a sources tab for hh and hospices and destination for hospitals

IRF is considerd post acute and we are currently unable to see the complete flow of patients from a hospital. And patients go to other post acute from IRF.
Laura Green 8 months ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Add Owenership for AL and LTC

Similar to ownership tab that is now available on analyze pages in marketscape Insights for agencies and facilities- it is helpful to have ownership info for AL/LTC
Laura Green 8 months ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Add Payer Mix to AL/LTC Table in Marketscape Insights

Add columns that show Medicare/MA/Medicaid payer mix for each facility in the table showing AL/LTC facilities.
Laura Green 8 months ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Differentiate Pie Chart Colors in HME Analyze

Pie charts should have different colors to distinguish between payers
Max Rothman over 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Please add star ratings for Hospice Agencies in Marketscape Insights for Hospice.

In addition to the facilitiy star ratings that already exist in Marketscape Insights for Hospice, Gentiva Hospice would like to see star rating metrics for hospice agencies as well. This is a key metric for them to know about competitors.
Ashley Scrimo almost 2 years ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Hospice - include CPT Code 99497 (end of life conversations) in Marketscape

the use of this code is now reimbursable via Medicare now, so the insight into doctors having these conversations would be helpful
Mary Nichols almost 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Add Column for ACO on Physicians Explore Page

I had a user specifically say that when they export a list of Physicians, it would make a huge difference to have their top ACO that they participate with show in a column for sorting, organizing. We showed them how to filter on ACO, but their cou...
Nikki Condra almost 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration