Add IRF as a sources tab for hh and hospices and destination for hospitals
IRF is considerd post acute and we are currently unable to see the complete flow of patients from a hospital. And patients go to other post acute from IRF.
Laura Green
5 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Similar to ownership tab that is now available on analyze pages in marketscape Insights for agencies and facilities- it is helpful to have ownership info for AL/LTC
Laura Green
5 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Provide highest affiliated agency for facilities in HH/HOS/SNF in Insights
On the explore tab we provide the highest affiliated agencies for physicians but do not provide this information on the Facilities tab. Please add this information.
Laura Green
6 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
add star rating, nursing/therapy visits to facility destinations in Insights for Home Health
add star rating, nursing/therapy visits to facility destinations in Insights for Home Health. when doing a competitive analysis, having these quality & operational metrics on the facility destinations page will help put all competitive metrics...
Mary Nichols
7 months ago
in User Experience
Future consideration
Provide information on type of patients d/c from specific hospital in GIP vs. routine home care
Discharge pattern is important to understand from hospice agency standpoint. What types of patients are discharged into GIP vs. home from the hospital. This is in line with other requests to see more detail on what patients, by diagnosis are disch...
Laura Green
7 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
on the new ALF/LTC Explore data...knowing if an ALF has a high affiliation with a given hospice will help our customers know the opportunity they have within an ALF & also will help them with which direction to go in talking points
Mary Nichols
8 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Add the ability to export the "My Agency" NPI lists in Admin for auditing.
It would be helpful if there was an option to export the "My Agency" NPI lists in Admin so organizations with many NPIs can audit and understand which NPIs are missing from the list that need to be added in.
Ashley Scrimo
8 months ago
in User Experience
Future consideration