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Marketscape Insights Idea Center
Status Future consideration
Created by Andy Powell
Created on Nov 11, 2020

Incorporate Medicare Advantage (MA) Data to support key activities

MA makes up half the business in some states and is growing, so I need to determine the best way to capture that market!!!

Here are the activities, user roles, and usage scenarios that feel most important:

  1. Market Analysis and Territory Planning (Exec, Analyst, Mgr)

    1. Show me Admission Volume for the service I provide

  2. Target Identification and Account Development (Analyst, Mgr, Rep)

    1. Show me Sources and Destinations for the service I provide

  3. Market Analysis and Payor Contracting (Exec., Analyst)

    1. Show me MA Plan Volume for my market and referral sources

  4. Market Analysis and Account Development (Exec, Analyst, Mgr, Rep)

    1. Show me Quality Metrics for me and my competitors

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  • Amanda Salomon
    Jun 23, 2023
    • We need an Explore page for Medicare Advantage & Commercial Payor Plans so that we can create custom lists of specific plans that we are contracted with. An Analyze page per plan that shows contracted providers like hospitals & physicians would be very meaningful as well.

  • Axele Brulard
    Jun 23, 2023

    We need an Explore page for Medicare Advantage & Commercial Payor Plans so that we can create custom lists of specific plans that we are contracted with. An Analyze page per plan that shows contracted providers like hospitals & physicians would be very meaningful as well.

  • Nikki Condra
    Jun 20, 2023

    We need an Explore page for Medicare Advantage & Commercial Payor Plans so that we can create custom lists of specific plans that we are contracted with. An Analyze page per plan that shows contracted providers like hospitals & physicians would be very meaningful as well.

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