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Marketscape Insights Idea Center
Status Released
Created by Shaun Mulrooney
Created on Jan 20, 2021

My Agency list in Physician Analyze page by Zip code or state

Beneficial to large organization with a large number of HH agencies.

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  • Shaun Mulrooney
    Mar 1, 2021

    This looks great! Thanks so much, Liz!

  • Liz Gombosi
    Mar 1, 2021

    Great thank you Shaun! We've just released showing Alias in the drop down referenced above, in Comparison selection, and Global Search. I am going to mark this suggestion as completed but please feel free to let us know if we have missed any use cases.


  • Shaun Mulrooney
    Feb 16, 2021

    Hi Liz. Thanks for looking at this. Having a search box would be helpful. What would be best would be to bring in the alias that we've created for the NPI. This has the codes that we know our agencies by. I think Nikki & Charles were working to bring NPI aliases into some other screens/pages as well. The zip code idea was basically just to try to put the zip code that was closest to the physician at the top of the list ... so if we were looking at a physician in Tampa, that way our Tampa agency would be at the top of the list, rather than trying to sort through our 20+ FL HH agencies by NPI. Thanks!

  • Liz Gombosi
    Feb 15, 2021

    Thanks for the suggestion Shaun! We'll be adding a search to the top of the My Agency drop-down; will that work or you specifically need Zip to be listed?
    - Liz and Product Management