Add Contact and Pt demographics info on Explore tab columns
There appears to be no easy way to pull a couple items for various HHA efficiently à currently have to click into each HHA profile individually and click drop down. Is there a way you could pull home health agencies information and/or include on t...
Jessica Owens
12 months ago
Future consideration
Market Share Excel Report >Request for columns were sequential with the numerical column adjacent to the corresponding percent representation.
When downloading a market share report on the hospice solution by county (1 or multiples), the excel file splits the numbers and the percent into two tables. This is very confusing and would be easier to translate if the columns were sequential wi...
almost 2 years ago
in User Experience
Future consideration
The ability to filter by City or Town for the Market Share Report.
Counties are sometimes very large and often drawn in an irregular way so it would be nice to have a way to more specifically filter the data down by Cities or Towns. That way you can focus your search more and exclude any cities or towns that are ...
Ashley Scrimo
almost 3 years ago
in User Experience
Future consideration
add a column on Explore page for Inpatient/Outpatient patient counts
on the explore page, we have inp & outp separated, but it would be helpful to see them together (like we do on destinations) to see the total of inp/outp together.
Mary Nichols
about 1 year ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration