I believe that the Hospice Level of Affiliation corresponds to the Highest Affiliation Hospice, correct? If so, it's a bit odd that it's not directly next to the Hospice Name. I'd suggest that column immediately follows the Hospice Name to be a bi...
Grant Brown
over 3 years ago
in User Experience
Already exists
The tool defaults to 20 rows - e.g., Hospice_Explore_Physician report. When I change it to 200, and then change a filter, it reverts back to "20." As a user, I'm thus constantly going back and changing the 20 to 200. It's quite frustrating.
Grant Brown
over 3 years ago
in User Experience
Already exists
add hospitalizations 60 days by acuity to the agency analyze quality tab
cms uses 60 days to measure hospitalization rates: https://data.cms.gov/provider-data/topics/home-health-services/process-care-outcome-care-quality-measures#rate-calculation
Mary Nichols
almost 4 years ago
in Data Metric
Already exists