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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

Data Metric

Showing 111 of 497

Phsyician Explore - Highest Affiliated Hospital

Customer is interested in being able to export the Highest Affiliated Hospital for Physicians.
Chandler Hoffmann 13 days ago in Data Metric 0

add the definitions for these metrics at the column headers in a way that is similar to other columns.

This will help the users know what information are they seeing on a column basis
Marc Angelo De Guzman 14 days ago in Data Metric 0

Add Patient Days to HOS destinations chart for SNF

Customer would like hospice patient days in the destinations table.
Michelle 27 days ago in Data Metric 1

Add SNF Bed Count to HH & HOS Insights

it would be helpful to pull the SNF bed count that we have in the SNF module over to HH & HOS
Mary Nichols 26 days ago in Data Metric 0

For Hospitals: Add % or volume count of discharges that happen on a weekend to Facility (Hospital) metrics

Having volume information on hospital weekend discharges would help us demonstrate the hospital's population need for a high % of HH stays started on a weekend that we have on the HH Analyze pages.
Nikki Condra almost 2 years ago in Data Metric 2 Future consideration

Refer to FFS as PPS for Home Health MAR-INS platform

Home Health agencies refer to traditional Medicare as PPS rather than FFS so it would be correct labeling if we changed this.
Laura Green almost 2 years ago in Data Metric 2 Future consideration

Provide highest affiliated agency for facilities in HH/HOS/SNF in Insights

On the explore tab we provide the highest affiliated agencies for physicians but do not provide this information on the Facilities tab. Please add this information.
Laura Green 8 months ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Show LOS for hospice patients by buckets of days of care

I’d doing analysis on our internal operation for what percent patients have LOS in different buckets of length. I was looking through the Marketscape data for our hospices and didn’t see this and thought I’d mention it has a potential enhancement....
Laura Green almost 2 years ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Medicare Advantage Market Analysis/Analyze Page

Market Analysis and Payor Contracting (Exec., Analyst) Show me MA Plan Volume for my market and referral sources
Mary Nichols over 2 years ago in Data Metric 3 Future consideration

add lob specific dual eligible patients

it would be nice to see not only total dual eligible population, but duals by LOB. so, how many dual eligible patients went from a hospital to SNF/HH/HOS for example. today we have total dual eligilbe pop
Mary Nichols 7 months ago in Data Metric 0