Infusion - Number of new patients for a specific HCPCS code
For an NPI, I want to understand the number of patients with a specific J Code for the first time. I do not want to understand all of the touches, just the first time that patient starts using that code with that doctor.
HME/INF - Indication of providers that are "self fulfilling" their own orders.....
All HME and Infusion organizations that are not affiliated with a physician group (about 75% of the market) are calling on providers in order to get scripts from them. When a provider is fulfilling their own scripts, it's a "dead" lead as they wil...
This could also be for HME/Inf as the product for that area evolves. Enhance user experience and efficiency. We sell that we make the users' processes easier, yet this is a slightly complex/glitchy process.
Jessica Owens
about 2 years ago
in User Experience
On Roadmap
add i button or additional text to patient volume (in conversation starters)
right now, patient volume in phys sales spotlight/conversation starters doesn't note that this patient count is the count of 3 months prior - it would be helpful to note this in the text or include an i button so it is clear what the count is.
Mary Nichols
about 2 years ago
in User Experience
On Roadmap
we have a filter that shows hospital affiliation, but what we don't have is Phys SNF affiliation which is helpful for our HOS customers especially because they want to see what Physicians are visiting or are Med Directors at a particular SNF
add filter to Marketscape Insight Explore Page: patient location
one of my customers is requesting a way to search for providers (Doctors mostly) who may have high patient population of patients that travel from a neighboring county. this happens in rural markets - patients may travel from a neighboring rural c...
Metric for physicians affiliated with hospital on SNF Analyze vs going to Explore page
Prospect Fundamental asked for see metric for physicians affiliated with hospital along w/ SNF patients (inpat) metric on SNF Analyze vs having to go to Explore page for that metric
Arun Narayanan
over 2 years ago
in Data Metric
On Roadmap