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Marketscape Insights Idea Center
Status Future consideration
Categories Data Metric
Created by Nikki Condra
Created on Apr 11, 2023

For Hospitals: Add % or volume count of discharges that happen on a weekend to Facility (Hospital) metrics

Having volume information on hospital weekend discharges would help us demonstrate the hospital's population need for a high % of HH stays started on a weekend that we have on the HH Analyze pages.

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  • Nikki Condra
    Aug 14, 2023

    Consider adding % of home health stays that started on a weekend in strategic places for competitive value prop. We suggest the following-

    • Facility (Hospital) Analyze Page in these locations

      1. Destinations > FFS Home Health Table as a column

      2. Sales Spotlight as a Conversation Starter

      3. Presentations as a competitive advantage line chart

      4. Facility Explore Page as a column in the magnifying glass pop out details for top 5 providers

  • Nikki Condra
    May 9, 2023

    We'd like to see this on Sales Spotlight conversation starters & presentations if at all possible for Facilities - currently we only see it on an agency analyze page in a drop down from the operational tab > average visits chart.