It would be helpful to see length of stay (Ave and Median) by place of service including assisted living, hospitals, home, etc... - even better if we can provide this for place of service as well as site of service. Please note assisted living.
Laura Green
over 1 year ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
on the new ALF/LTC Explore data...knowing if an ALF has a high affiliation with a given hospice will help our customers know the opportunity they have within an ALF & also will help them with which direction to go in talking points
Mary Nichols
6 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Metrics to support VBP needs for HH on Emergency Department Use without Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health/ED Use
Claims-based Acute Care Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health Use/ACH Emergency Department Use without Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health/ED Use
Nikki Condra
over 2 years ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
A heat map that shows zipcodes and counties in the states and that focuses on hospice patient volume whether they come from facilities or physicians.
The heat map would be useful for administartors/managers to identify target areas with high hospice patient volumes and focus their marketing efforts towards these areas. The reason for the heat map will be time related and performance evaluation ...
6 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Please add star ratings for Hospice Agencies in Marketscape Insights for Hospice.
In addition to the facilitiy star ratings that already exist in Marketscape Insights for Hospice, Gentiva Hospice would like to see star rating metrics for hospice agencies as well. This is a key metric for them to know about competitors.
Ashley Scrimo
over 1 year ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Add Utilization and Quality Metrics in Hospice Platform for Home Health Sources
Hospices want to understand opportunity from HH agencies as a source for hospice referral. They want to understand LOS and utilization by diagnostic categories. Currently, the HH agency analyze page opens on hospice platform but the utilization an...
Laura Green
over 1 year ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration