Additional Hospital Hospice Utlization Metric to include Mortalities
it would be helpful to see a hospice utilization (mortalities) metric for hospitals. showing a metric on how many patients died while on hospice care. if that utilization % is low, it could be used as an opportunity to educate the hospital on the ...
Mary Nichols
over 1 year ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Metrics to support VBP needs for HH on Emergency Department Use without Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health/ED Use
Claims-based Acute Care Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health Use/ACH Emergency Department Use without Hospitalization During the First 60 Days of Home Health/ED Use
Nikki Condra
almost 3 years ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
It would be helpful to see length of stay (Ave and Median) by place of service including assisted living, hospitals, home, etc... - even better if we can provide this for place of service as well as site of service. Please note assisted living.
Laura Green
almost 2 years ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
Allow our customers to understand where referrals are going from Sleep Centers. This would help out HME Customers that sell CPAP and sleep supplies - from Dusty Allen
Aggregate information using multiple NPI's but they operate under one larger entity.
I would like to be able to aggregate information, for example, all Family Health Services that serve the Magic Valley. This information would be important when presenting to a large group of providers during conferences.
Toma Bartlett
over 3 years ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration
On the market share tab for hospice, patient days are a more valuable indicator of the size of a hospice than total patient numbers. This metric enables us to understand the size of service a hospice provides- ie they can have many patients with l...
Provide breakdown of inpatient and outpatient payer mix for hospitals
In Insights and strategies need to see more information on payer mix. Included is payer mix by inpatient and outpatient for hospitals/for place of service by provider/and for AL/LTC
Laura Green
8 months ago
in Data Metric
On Roadmap
Add IRF as a sources tab for hh and hospices and destination for hospitals
IRF is considerd post acute and we are currently unable to see the complete flow of patients from a hospital. And patients go to other post acute from IRF.
Laura Green
8 months ago
in Data Metric
Future consideration