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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

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Create an easily printable Sales Spotlight

This could also be for HME/Inf as the product for that area evolves. Enhance user experience and efficiency. We sell that we make the users' processes easier, yet this is a slightly complex/glitchy process.
Jessica Owens about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

add i button or additional text to patient volume (in conversation starters)

right now, patient volume in phys sales spotlight/conversation starters doesn't note that this patient count is the count of 3 months prior - it would be helpful to note this in the text or include an i button so it is clear what the count is.
Mary Nichols about 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Physician Explore> add SNF affiliation filter

we have a filter that shows hospital affiliation, but what we don't have is Phys SNF affiliation which is helpful for our HOS customers especially because they want to see what Physicians are visiting or are Med Directors at a particular SNF
Mary Nichols about 2 years ago in  0 On Roadmap

add filter to Marketscape Insight Explore Page: patient location

one of my customers is requesting a way to search for providers (Doctors mostly) who may have high patient population of patients that travel from a neighboring county. this happens in rural markets - patients may travel from a neighboring rural c...
Mary Nichols about 2 years ago in  0 On Roadmap

Add Home Health Place of Service Table

Customer would like to see where home health agencies are providing care at facilities - esp in SNF LTC
Laura Green about 2 years ago in Data Metric 0 On Roadmap

Metric for physicians affiliated with hospital on SNF Analyze vs going to Explore page

Prospect Fundamental asked for see metric for physicians affiliated with hospital along w/ SNF patients (inpat) metric on SNF Analyze vs having to go to Explore page for that metric
Arun Narayanan over 2 years ago in Data Metric 0 On Roadmap

Match targets to CRM

The CRM detail page has a "Targeted" yes/no indicator. It would be nice if that status matched the target list in Marketscape
Tim Arrowsmith over 2 years ago in  0 On Roadmap

Add long-term care hospitalizations

Virginia Medicaid now uses the existing CMS long-stay hospitalizations and ED visits to their metrics, both of which are claims based which we can only access through Trella. I'd like to see this added to facility specific measures.
Honor Chriscoe over 2 years ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Add dual-eligible patient counts to marketshare reports.

I've been asked several times if we could locate counties high with dual-eligible and then back in to what physicians / HHA are getting them. This is providers that support all payor types and Medicaid/PD moving in to the FFS world to support all ...
T Carpenter over 2 years ago in Data Metric 2 On Roadmap


Gang, every time I log in to Marketscape I am presented with a format of information that I have to change to my preferences each time. From column order to the number of listings per page. As my log in is different from anyone else's, so to are m...
Brian Horman over 2 years ago in  1 On Roadmap