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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

Data Metric

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New Metric - Lost Reimbursement for Hospice Readmission

In actual dollars
Monica Cushion over 3 years ago in Data Metric 2 Future consideration

Add ability to filter physician exploration by top two or three Patient Diagnostic Mix categories.

The ability to filter in this way will allow hospice agencies and other users to research and identify providers who serve a high percentage of patients with a specific diagnostic mix, for example, Circulatory System.
Kyle Dietz over 3 years ago in Data Metric 3 Future consideration

Hospital's LOS and Inpatient Mortality Rate as compared to benchmarks

As a hospice partner for the hospital, I'd like to know their LOS and Inpatient Mortality rates as well as readmission rates. These metrics are top of mind for them, so if they are off from benchmarks that is a helpful conversation topic for me.
Andy Powell over 3 years ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration

Hospice Timing by DX Group

It would be helpful to see what diagnostic groups are entering hospice earlier/later/not at all.
Kate Work over 3 years ago in Data Metric 1 Future consideration

Consistent display of digits for the same metric

The same metric that shows on Explore, Insights and in its respective table display a different number of digits and rounding. For example: Explore shows 11.9, Insights 11.86, and the Readmission table 12. I understand that it is due to rounding, ...
Garrison Young over 3 years ago in Data Metric 0 Will not implement