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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

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Gang, every time I log in to Marketscape I am presented with a format of information that I have to change to my preferences each time. From column order to the number of listings per page. As my log in is different from anyone else's, so to are m...
Brian Horman over 2 years ago in  1 On Roadmap

Add a d/b/a option to the Hospice display name

It would be useful to see or manually enter competitors d/b/a names or even our own hospice names.
Edwin Scott over 2 years ago in  1 Already exists

Add provider website link to Marketscape Analyze Page

I have had several customers complain that they are going on a "wild goose chase" looking for providers by using Trella NPI registration addresses. I think adding a link to provider websites could assist with this issue as websites tend to be more...
Laura Green over 2 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Performance improvement for customers with large numbers of aliases

Currently Marketscape creates a temp db table in Snowflake for customer specific aliases and joins to that table to return results back to Marketscape. A better approach would be to run the Snowflake query without joining to an alias temp table, a...
Pierre Menard almost 3 years ago in User Experience 2 Will not implement

Hospitalization rate for patients discharged from hospital setting with no Home Health agency

To establish correlation between lowering readmissions to the hospital on the subset of patients that were discharged without HHA referral
Maureen Jennings almost 3 years ago in Data Metric 2 Future consideration

Add Map View to Marketshare Reports with patients served total

When selecting a territory it is beneficial for our sales team to visual their coverage area and where they most patients are being served in order to develop their territory routing. Including a map view with the total patients served for each co...
Darrah Whittaker about 3 years ago in Data Metric 2 On Roadmap

Show Hospital Discharges for Patients in Need of Ventilator Care

Show the number of patients leaving a hospital who need ventilators.
Kate Work about 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

a LinkdIn post I can post on my LI account boasting we work with Trella to help our customers reduce hospitalizations

Because I have hundreds of key contacts on my LinkedIn, they too want to reduce hospitalizations and know that we are using current data to assist and that is another differentiator for us. Maybe its something that could be tied to Trellas announc...
Doug Dervartani about 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Metrics valuable to Orthopedic Surgeons

In addition to Readmission rates, metrics such as, reduction in pain, increase in mobility would be of great value when speaking to our Orthopedic referral sources. The metrics are from the OASIS.
Laurel Norton about 3 years ago in Data Metric 1 Future consideration

List of facilities and/or doctors to analyze

It would be really helpful if we could build a list of facilities and/or doctors to analyze by individually selecting. Currently they have to be found via search criteria that matches, be on a target list and/or favorite list to create a list. If ...
Vivian Brocato about 3 years ago in Data Metric 1 Already exists