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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

User Experience

Showing 112 of 497

Show the Latest Dataset on every page

Although we get alerts when the new dataset arrives, we need to be able to find the date of the latest data easily from within the product. Make it easy to find.
Charles Fox about 3 years ago in User Experience 2 Already exists

Quarterly Market Share Reports - Customized by Customer

Carter provides a quarterly Market Share report that to be shared with customers, must be customized for each customer based on the business lines and states they subscribe to. The CSM that is customizing each of these reports takes a significant ...
Bernie Segura over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Create Analyze page for each Medicare Advantage Plan

A page for each plan that shows associated providers and their volume under each plan.
Nikki Condra over 2 years ago in User Experience 3 Future consideration

ability to customize or select the metrics you want to display in Sales Spotlight

customers are requesting the ability to show BPCI metrics in addition to DRGs on Hospital Sales Spotlight (specifically for SNF, but would be nice for HH & HOS as well)
Mary Nichols over 3 years ago in User Experience 3 Future consideration

Identify related NPI's and/or identify when there aren't related FFS claims

If you pick an NPI that has no claims a page pops up suggesting related NPI's If you pick an NPI that has no FFS claims and/or no related NPI's a message presents advising this
Jessi Owens 8 months ago in User Experience 0

Marketscape Admin > Bulk Action Items on Users Tab

This feature serves the purpose of sending welcome emails and facilitating password resets for multiple users concurrently. It essentially replicates the functionality of the "Resend Welcome Email" and "Reset Password" options found within individ...
Nica Yabut over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Add popup for global search/explore search

When a facility/agency hasn't updated their name on the NPI registry it can make it harder to find what you're looking for because their name in the community is different than their NPI. It would be helpful to add a popup when someone has tried s...
M Levine almost 2 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

put leave behind template from the Help Center INTO Marketscape Insights (Presentation)

customers love the leave behind template, but the template itself is hard to find. customers have requested that it (or a variation of) be in the solution so they don't have to download a powerpoint, then download charts/graphs to an external docu...
Mary Nichols over 2 years ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Update Notifications in Admin When Adding An Existing User or Email Address

Admin page is stuck on a loading screen when adding an Existing User or Email Address. A notification will give more clarity if this is a browser/app issue or if the user exists already and guidance to the admin of what will be the next step.
Nica Yabut almost 2 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Weekday reoccurrence for CRM calendar

Please add an options for: "Week days" when adding a reoccurring event so that Saturday and Sunday are not added check box Day options - Example "every Monday and Thursday"
Jessi Owens 8 months ago in User Experience 0