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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

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Client branded presentation

Create Client-branded presentations from talking points within the solution. Depending upon work impact, via one of these options: Anything/any bit of data from the site Reflect the leave behind template:
Jessica Owens over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Create an easily printable Sales Spotlight

This could also be for HME/Inf as the product for that area evolves. Enhance user experience and efficiency. We sell that we make the users' processes easier, yet this is a slightly complex/glitchy process.
Jessica Owens over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Ability to get to last page of explore search

It would be helpful to know the number rows an explore search yields and to know in advance if it is more than 5,000 before downloading (e.g. if there are more than 5,000 records we have to arrow through 200 records at a time to get to the end - w...
Vivian Brocato about 3 years ago in Data Metric 1 Will not implement

add i button or additional text to patient volume (in conversation starters)

right now, patient volume in phys sales spotlight/conversation starters doesn't note that this patient count is the count of 3 months prior - it would be helpful to note this in the text or include an i button so it is clear what the count is.
Mary Nichols over 1 year ago in User Experience 0 On Roadmap

Physician Explore> add SNF affiliation filter

we have a filter that shows hospital affiliation, but what we don't have is Phys SNF affiliation which is helpful for our HOS customers especially because they want to see what Physicians are visiting or are Med Directors at a particular SNF
Mary Nichols over 1 year ago in "Wouldn't it be cool if..." 0 On Roadmap

RE: Acuity Score Scale

Request from Chad Higbee Could we provide a 1-10 scale as a simple way to compare relative acuity averages between similar providers. Three points is not sufficiently detailed.
Lauren Byers about 3 years ago in  2 Will not implement

add filter to Marketscape Insight Explore Page: patient location

one of my customers is requesting a way to search for providers (Doctors mostly) who may have high patient population of patients that travel from a neighboring county. this happens in rural markets - patients may travel from a neighboring rural c...
Mary Nichols over 1 year ago in "Wouldn't it be cool if..." 0 On Roadmap

Having more granular insight into hospitals that have three brick & mortar locations bill under one NPI

This is three hospitals & it's really hard to know what the pain points:
Nikki Condra about 3 years ago in Data Metric 1 Future consideration

Filter on Explore for Hospital in SNF that allows users to search hospitals by largest diagnostic category

DRG, RPG, Diagnostic Category on Explore is a blind spot for SNF users that can't easily idenfity pain points of hospitals. The ability to view their "top diagnostic category" or DRG in a column to highlight hospital pain points would be a game ch...
Nikki Condra about 3 years ago in Data Metric 2 Future consideration

Set up tables so that users can compare the providers they want to compare

I've been trying to find a way to compare data that seems to only be found on the analyze page between hospices. As far as I can tell there isn't a convenient way to do this so that I could save the comparison as well as any graphs it may make as ...
Guest about 3 years ago in  2 Future consideration