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Need to Add Star Rating on Home Health/Hospice under Facilities, Destination Tab

The star rating is on the Home Health Agencies but not when you are comparing Facilities destination tab. Currently you have to pull each competitor info to find the star rating
Michael Schwegler almost 4 years ago in Data Metric 5 Future consideration

Assigned user filter on Organization tab

Filtering by Assigned User is available on the Physicians tab in MAR INS HME/INF. Being able to filter by Assigned User on the Organizations tab would be valuable for those who use the Orgs tab.
Guest 12 months ago in  0 Future consideration

add hospitalizations 60 days by acuity to the agency analyze quality tab

cms uses 60 days to measure hospitalization rates:
Mary Nichols almost 4 years ago in Data Metric 0 Already exists

Add the following columns & metrics to the Explore page for Facilities: Facility's Intended HHA Utilization, Facility's Actual HHA Utilization from Sales Spotlight, Inpatient HHA Patients & Outpatient HHA Patients Totals from the Destinations table

These metrics would be helpful to include on the explore page so they could be compared in one view to other facilties in the area.
Ashley Scrimo almost 2 years ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

To enhance the current layout to fully utilize the screen real estate, requiring unnecessary scrolling to access additional columns.

Modify the layout to ensure that the Order Share table spans the entire width of the page, optimizing screen real estate.Enhance compatibility with browser zoom settings, such as the user's preference for 90% zoom. Ensure that the table and its as...
Marc Angelo De Guzman almost 1 year ago in User Experience 0 Future consideration

Showing Order Organizations for each physician in explore function & excel data

Currently while using the explore option you have to select each individual physician “analyze” then go to order share to see what organizations the patients are being sent to. It would be extremely helpful if we could see this information next to...
Guest almost 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

easy way to share custom lists

right now this is set up by user. if for example, the customer's competitor list could be the same for all users. once one user creates the custom list, that should be able to be shared with other users so they don't have to do the same exercise
Mary Nichols almost 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Sync assignments with my CRM (Salesforce, Enquire, RSL)

We don't have the time to manage assignments in both systems. The CRM is our system of record for assignments, but having them in Marketscape provides valuable insight for reps, managers, and anyone else exploring our market.
Andy Powell about 4 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Presentations with State and National Comparison

Compare organizations data alongside the state and national data on the bar graphs
Guest about 1 year ago in Data Metric 1 Future consideration

GIP Hospice Care in Hospital

The GIP opportunity in the hospitals would be helpful.
Jennifer Nosalek about 2 years ago in Data Metric 0 Future consideration