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Marketscape Insights Idea Center

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Add City, Zip Code, County, and Address as column options to the HHA/HOS Analyze physician sources table.

It would be helpful to have an option to pull in City, Zip Code, County, and Address as column options in the physician sources table on a HHA or HOS Analyze page. This would allow users to quickly access that information without having to click i...
Ashley Scrimo 1 day ago in User Experience 0

Market Spotlight Defaults

Provide the ability to set a default search option within Market Spotlight (Ex: TPN, IG, etc)
Jessi Owens about 6 hours ago in User Experience 0

Add Admin to navigation pane

Within the tools themselves, where the navigation dropdown is located that allows navigation between modules, please add Admin as an option as well.
Jessi Owens 1 day ago in User Experience 0

Automate data push to assigned users

Push specific data sets (high RTA DRGs, SNF utilization %, or our SNF volume from an assigned hospital) monthly, weekly, or at some prescribed frequency.
TJ Brocker 4 days ago in User Experience 0

Dark Mode for MARINS + CRM

Vision imparities make it hard to view the UI with so much whit space, more and more requests are coming from prospects to have a dark mode.
Taylor Faucette 8 days ago in User Experience 0

If you filter to a certain geography on Explore, the Medical Group filter should show results for that specific location, not the whole country.

It would be nice if you filter on a geography like a county and state, then filter for medical group, if the results could be specific to the chosen geography instead of listing everybody in the whole country.
Ashley Scrimo 29 days ago in User Experience 0

Common Admin: Accept characters in email addresses

remove the restriction in Common Admin and tools that disallows special characters like (') in email addresses.
Jessi Owens 30 days ago in User Experience 0

Send Sales Spotlight emails to any email

Want to be a hero for Trella and blow people's minds ? Add a text box to the UI for emailing sales spotlights directly to doctors/referral sources! Think about the viral growth potential and Trella branding. Make it easier for the sales reps to sh...
Albert Rynkiewicz 22 days ago in Sales Rep Feature 0

Add i button to Sales Spotlight

adding definitions to Sales Spotlight so the user knows what they are looking at & can more confidently speak to it.
Mary Nichols 22 days ago in User Experience 0

Identify related NPI's and/or identify when there aren't related FFS claims

If you pick an NPI that has no claims a page pops up suggesting related NPI's If you pick an NPI that has no FFS claims and/or no related NPI's a message presents advising this
Jessi Owens 6 months ago in User Experience 0